
Nov 23, 2013

Thoughts on garbage collection


A few days ago, I was in the shower thinking about garbage collectors. I think some of my best ideas come from the shower, and I think it’s because I don’t have anything to distract me.

I was thinking about easy it was to use the Hans Boehm garbage collector:

Empirically, this collector works with most unmodified C programs, simply by replacing malloc with GC_malloc calls, replacing realloc with GC_realloc calls, and removing free calls.

What a great abstraction! I was thinking about how it knew a block of memory should be freed. I thought, well… an easy way would be to just scan through the entire address space of a program and count up references. Of course, this isn’t efficient at all, but it’s a good start.

Cool. I had an idea. How would I actually implement it? The first step was to figure out how to scan through a program’s address space. I won’t go into detail, but let’s just say I spent a good 3 or 4 hours following links and reading up on stack allocations and registers. Not fun.

I don’t remember the details since most of this stuff happened really late at night, but I do remember having a really hard time trying to figure out how to search through address spaces. I tried a bunch of silly things, and got far too many memory access violations. Lots and lots of trial and failure.

At some point, I stumbled onto /proc/self/maps. I probably yelled out, “ARE YOU SERIOUS?” or something because I was really excited. The kernel tells us what memory mappings a program has access to! It’s really silly, now that I think about it. I spent far too much time trying to figure this out. I just didn’t know what I didn’t know, so I didn’t know what to search for on Google!

Hans Boehm garbage collector looks through /proc/self/maps too. I didn’t look at its source code first to give myself a researching challenge ;).

Here’s what I have so far: GitHub Gist.

Here’s how it works:

  1. Call malloc and remember the address. We need to pass that address to free later on.

  2. Read through /proc/self/maps and get all the memory ranges

  3. Look for possible pointers in that range, ignoring the pointer we use to keep track of the malloc’d memory.

  4. If there aren’t any references, free that block.*

*Here’s the issue: there’s always one reference on the stack. I’m not sure where that is. If I knew what it was, I’d ignore it :). Since I don’t know where it is, I free a block if it has 1 reference. If you know how to fix it, let me know!

Other thoughts

You’ll never know whether some address in memory is a pointer or a value. The best thing to do is assume it’s a pointer. This means it’s conservative.

I have a VERY large amount of respect for the people who write garbage collectors. These things are complicated. They’re hard to test. It’s non-deterministic. They’re confusing. Heck, even I got confused at times when I was writing stuff like this:

if( (intptr_t)(*(void**)i) == (intptr_t)(address) &&
			(intptr_t)(i) != (uintptr_t)(ignore)

I’m casting a void* to a void** and then dereferencing it? Huh?! The more I think about it, the less it makes sense. It made sense to me late at night.

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