
Nov 27, 2013



(This is an old post from July 2012.)

Attribution: Patrick Stahl

This is just a quick configuration example to setup a “router-on-a-stick.” I’m using Vyatta for the router and a Brocade switch. I’ve changed the real addresses.

Brocade switch configuration

Ethernet 16 is the trunk port, in the Cisco lingo. It’s hooked up to the Vyatta router. It has to be tagged because we need to tag each frame with a VLAN ID so the switch knows where to send it. Ethernet 43 is an untagged (aka access) port which is connected to a server.

vlan 20 by port
 tagged ethe 16                                                   
 untagged ethe 43 

Vyatta configuration

eth1 is connected to my provider. eth0 is going back to the switch. vif 20 refers to VLAN 20, which we already defined on the switch.

interfaces {
    ethernet eth0 {
        hw-id 90:e2:ba:1b:5a:54
        vif 20 {
            address 2001:db8:5341:31::/64
    ethernet eth1 {
        address 2001:db8:5341:8::2/126
        hw-id 00:1a:4d:53:f5:d4
    loopback lo {
protocols {
    static {
        route {
            next-hop {
        route6 ::/0 {
            next-hop 2001:db8:5341:8::1 {

Not really a useful blog post, but I just wanted to post something. Vyatta is great so far!

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