
Jul 6, 2021

No minimum length requirement


I often have blog post ideas that I keep as notes or very short drafts. Maybe I have one or two interesting points about a certain subject and that isn’t enough to really capture everything I want to say about something. So I wait until I have more content.

But often times the waiting never ends. I move on to other things, I realize I don’t know as much as I did about something, or sometimes I just don’t have anything else to say.

I always feel some pressure to write long blog posts or give long talks because that’s what I see everyone else doing. That’s an artificial bar that’s holding back content. So these days I’m like, whatever. If I have a webinar scheduled for 45 minutes, I’d rather have 15 minutes of really good content than those same 15 minutes with 30 minutes of fluff.

Good content doesn’t have a minimum length requirement.

Next read these:
Mar 5, 2015