
May 7, 2017

Bootstrap for alerting


This post is about some stuff I tweeted a few days ago. This is also a follow-up to my Bootstrapping Time Series post.

I think this sort of approach is much more valuable for alerts than generic anomaly detection, which can get really complicated and hard to interpret. It’s really easy to implement too!

Bootstrap Go package

I created a tiny Go package called bootstrap as the foundation for this kind of system. You can take a look at its godoc too.

The package provides a Resampler type that samples with replacement from a slice of floats, aggregates them with whatever aggregation function you choose, and saves the result. You can then use a Quantile function to pick from the distribution of results.


Here’s an example using the same test data set as my other post.

Bootstrap time series

package main

import (


func main() {
	// Create a Resampler
	resampler := bootstrap.NewResampler(bootstrap.SumAggregator{})

	// Resample and aggregate from series 1
		6.83, 4.89, 5.37, 3.07, 5.24, 5.15, 3.82, 4.26, 6.41, 5.80,
		4.04, 6.88, 4.61, 3.43, 3.00, 5.93, 3.58, 6.14, 3.30, 5.57,
		3.23, 6.20, 3.27, 6.83, 6.59, 4.36, 6.92, 3.07, 4.11, 6.20,
		4.24, 6.42, 3.53, 5.34, 6.60, 6.43, 3.77, 3.07, 6.32, 4.63,
		3.44, 6.08, 3.47, 3.74, 4.93, 5.09, 3.42, 5.03, 4.88, 6.40,
	}, 100)

	// Aggregate the sum from series 2
	sum := bootstrap.SumAggregator{}.Aggregate([]float64{
		6.49, 4.62, 5.08, 7.73, 6.81, 7.77, 7.52, 5.33, 6.86, 4.29,
		6.57, 5.71, 5.74, 6.39, 4.03, 5.27, 7.66, 6.13, 6.21, 6.96,
		5.23, 5.37, 6.90, 5.72, 4.17, 7.22, 4.32, 5.11, 6.86, 4.19,
		6.11, 5.17, 5.43, 4.00, 6.11, 7.35, 7.21, 4.31, 7.51, 7.33,
		7.55, 4.19, 6.77, 7.50, 5.09, 4.31, 6.66, 6.05, 5.24, 5.95,

	// Calculate some threshold value based on series 1
	threshold := resampler.Quantile(0.95)

	// Check if the series 2 aggregate is higher than the threshold
	if sum > threshold {
			"Sum of series (%0.2f)"+
				" higher than expected (%0.2f) with 95%% confidence.\n",
			sum, threshold)

	for _, q := range []float64{0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 0.9, 0.95, 1.0} {
		fmt.Printf("%0.2f = %0.2f\n", q, resampler.Quantile(q))
Sum of series (298.10) higher than expected (257.03) with 95% confidence.

0.25 = 236.33
0.50 = 243.59
0.75 = 251.22
0.90 = 255.86
0.95 = 257.03
1.00 = 271.45

Step counts

Test data can be boring, so let’s check my FitBit step counts from March and April to see if I’m walking more than usual.

Step counts

0.25 = 71938.00
0.50 = 79288.00
0.75 = 85032.00
0.90 = 92892.00
0.95 = 96056.00
1.00 = 124088.00

I had more steps, but the change isn’t significant enough to alert me. I should walk and run more :D.

Next read these:
Oct 21, 2019