
May 1, 2017

“Schema changes” with a key-value store


I’ve mentioned on Twitter that I’m working on a metadata storage service built on lm2, my key-value store. One of the things that I started thinking about while I’m implementing this is schema changes. But they’re not the typical kinds of schema changes I’m used to with relational databases because I’m not working with a relational database :).

With relational databases, I usually have a fixed schema that all rows have to conform to.

Column A Column B
Alice 1
Bob 2
Bob 3

At some point, I need to modify that schema with an ALTER to add a column, remove a column, etc.

Column A Column B Column C
Alice 1 X
Bob 2 Y
Bob 3 Z

With a key-value store, I basically have a two-column table with a fixed structure.

Key Value
id=1 username=alice, [email protected], name=Alice
id=2 username=bob, [email protected], name=Bob
id=3 username=bob2, [email protected], name=Bob

With key-value stores, instead of having lots of columns, you have to encode columns into the keys and values. With ordered key-value stores, you need to use prefixes to preserve locality and make range reads easier.

What if your design changes and you need some new encoding or mapping? You have to rewrite all of the affected key-value pairs!

Something that I wanted to avoid with my service is taking it down to rewrite all of my data during schema changes. This is something that comes up with relational databases too. ALTERs can lock and rewrite entire tables, which can prevent queries from using them and take a long time. On the bright side, these days we’re starting to see more systems capable of doing online ALTERs so you can keep using those tables while the operation happens in the background.

So I decided to use a technique similar to what those fancy relational databases are doing. It’s pretty simple. I can just add a version to each key-value pair and have my application rewrite it on demand.

Here’s an example showing a deleted “column” being added:

Key Value
id=1 version=1, username=alice, [email protected], name=Alice
id=2 version=2, deleted=0, username=bob, [email protected], name=Bob
id=3 version=1, username=bob2, [email protected], name=Bob

You can use this technique to implement lots of other “online schema changes” with key-value stores.

Next read these:
Dec 26, 2016